The HIV Drug Finder 2022
Your indispensable companion for HIV treatment! The HIV drugfinder lists at a glance the available HIV medications. Apart from daily dosage and requirements for administration, the „fact boxes“ sum up the important information about each compound.
If you wish to receive your copy of the drug finder, please contact

The HCV Drug Finder 2021/22
The HCV Drug Finder 2021/22 provides an at-a-glance overview of currently approved and guideline-recommended DAA therapies for HCV infection.
Please note that the HCV Drug Finder will only be issued to healthcare professionals (e.g. physicians).
If you would like to receive your copy, please send an email to
By sending the email, you agree that MUC Research will forward your request to the sponsoring companies and that they may contact you.

Interaction Finder
In order to quickly and easily assess possible interactions between antiretroviral substances and a newly prescribed concomitant medication, the company MUC Research has created a tool in the form of an A3 desk pad.
This overview shows interactions of ART with agents from common treatment areas such as heart failure, diabetes, depression or osteoporosis. The information is organized according to an intuitive traffic light system.
You can download the interaction finder here, subject to agreement to our privacy policy,
or contact